■ DataFrame 클래스 : read_excel 메소드를 사용해 계층 데이터 로드하기
▶ main.py
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import pandas as pd from typing import Optional from typing import List from typing import Dict class CategoryNode: def __init__(self, name : str, level : int, parentNode : Optional["CategoryNode"] = None): self.name : str = name self.level : int = level self.parentNode : Optional[CategoryNode] = parentNode self.childNodeList : List[CategoryNode] = [] self.costCodeList : List[str] = [] self.nodeCount : int = 0 self.nodePathList : List[CategoryNode] = self._initializeNodePathList() def _initializeNodePathList(self) -> List["CategoryNode"]: nodePathList = [] currentParentNode = self.parentNode while currentParentNode is not None: nodePathList.insert(0, currentParentNode) currentParentNode = currentParentNode.parentNode nodePathList.append(self) return nodePathList def addChild(self, childNode : "CategoryNode") -> None: self.childNodeList.append(childNode) def addCostCode(self, costCode : str) -> None: if costCode and costCode not in self.costCodeList: self.costCodeList.append(costCode) def getAncestorNodeList(self) -> List["CategoryNode"]: return self.nodePathList class Category: def __init__(self): self.rootNodeList : List[CategoryNode] = [] self.costCodeDictionary : Dict[str, CategoryNode] = {} def addRootNode(self, rootNode : CategoryNode) -> None: self.rootNodeList.append(rootNode) def addCodeCode(self, costCode : str, node : CategoryNode) -> None: self.costCodeDictionary[costCode] = node def setNodeCount(self) -> None: def calculateNodeCount(node : CategoryNode) -> int: count = 1 for child in node.childNodeList: count += calculateNodeCount(child) node.nodeCount = count return count for rootNode in self.rootNodeList: calculateNodeCount(rootNode) def createCategory(sourceFilePath : str) -> Category: sourceDataFrame = pd.read_excel(sourceFilePath) category = Category() nodeDictionary = {} for _, rowSeries in sourceDataFrame.iterrows(): currentParentNode = None currentPathList = [] for level in range(1, 6): # 구분1 ~ 구분5 columnName = f"구분{level}" value = rowSeries[columnName] if pd.isna(value): break currentPathList.append(value) pathKeyTuple = tuple(currentPathList) if pathKeyTuple not in nodeDictionary: newNode = CategoryNode(value, level - 1, currentParentNode) nodeDictionary[pathKeyTuple] = newNode if currentParentNode: currentParentNode.addChild(newNode) else: if newNode.name not in [rootNode.name for rootNode in category.rootNodeList]: category.addRootNode(newNode) currentParentNode = nodeDictionary[pathKeyTuple] costCode = rowSeries["비용코드"] if pd.notna(costCode) and currentParentNode: currentParentNode.addCostCode(costCode) category.addCodeCode(costCode, currentParentNode) category.setNodeCount() return category def printCategoryNode(node : CategoryNode, indent : str = "") -> None: print(f"{indent}{node.name} (Level : {node.level}, Node Count : {node.nodeCount})", end = "") if node.costCodeList: print(f", Cost Code List : {node.costCodeList}") else: print() for child in node.childNodeList: printCategoryNode(child, indent + " ") def printNodePathList(node : CategoryNode) -> str: nodePathString = "" for node in node.nodePathList: if len(nodePathString) == 0: nodePathString += node.name else: nodePathString += f",{node.name}" return nodePathString def printCostCodeDictionary(category : Category) -> None: for costCode, node in category.costCodeDictionary.items(): print(f"Cost Code : {costCode} -> Node : {node.name} (Level : {node.level}, Node Path List : {printNodePathList(node)})") sourceFilePath = "source.xlsx" category = createCategory(sourceFilePath) for rootNode in category.rootNodeList: printCategoryNode(rootNode) print() printCostCodeDictionary(category) """ A (Level : 0, Node Count : 7) A1 (Level : 1, Node Count : 4) A2 (Level : 2, Node Count : 3) A3 (Level : 3, Node Count : 2) A4 (Level : 4, Node Count : 1), Cost Code List : ['CFA01', 'CFA02', 'CFA03'] A5 (Level : 1, Node Count : 2) A6 (Level : 2, Node Count : 1), Cost Code List : ['CFA04', 'CFA05'] B (Level : 0, Node Count : 4) B1 (Level : 1, Node Count : 2) B2 (Level : 2, Node Count : 1), Cost Code List : ['CFA06', 'CFA07'] B3 (Level : 1, Node Count : 1), Cost Code List : ['CFA08'] C (Level : 0, Node Count : 7) C1 (Level : 1, Node Count : 3) C2 (Level : 2, Node Count : 2) C3 (Level : 3, Node Count : 1), Cost Code List : ['CFA09', 'CFA10'] C4 (Level : 1, Node Count : 3) C5 (Level : 2, Node Count : 2) C6 (Level : 3, Node Count : 1), Cost Code List : ['CFA11', 'CFA12'] Cost Code : CFA01 -> Node : A4 (Level : 4, Node Path List : A,A1,A2,A3,A4) Cost Code : CFA02 -> Node : A4 (Level : 4, Node Path List : A,A1,A2,A3,A4) Cost Code : CFA03 -> Node : A4 (Level : 4, Node Path List : A,A1,A2,A3,A4) Cost Code : CFA04 -> Node : A6 (Level : 2, Node Path List : A,A5,A6) Cost Code : CFA05 -> Node : A6 (Level : 2, Node Path List : A,A5,A6) Cost Code : CFA06 -> Node : B2 (Level : 2, Node Path List : B,B1,B2) Cost Code : CFA07 -> Node : B2 (Level : 2, Node Path List : B,B1,B2) Cost Code : CFA08 -> Node : B3 (Level : 1, Node Path List : B,B3) Cost Code : CFA09 -> Node : C3 (Level : 3, Node Path List : C,C1,C2,C3) Cost Code : CFA10 -> Node : C3 (Level : 3, Node Path List : C,C1,C2,C3) Cost Code : CFA11 -> Node : C6 (Level : 3, Node Path List : C,C4,C5,C6) Cost Code : CFA12 -> Node : C6 (Level : 3, Node Path List : C,C4,C5,C6) """ |
▶ requirements.txt
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defusedxml==0.7.1 et_xmlfile==2.0.0 numpy==2.2.0 odfpy==1.4.1 openpyxl==3.1.5 packaging==24.2 pandas==2.2.3 python-calamine==0.3.1 python-dateutil==2.9.0.post0 pytz==2024.2 pyxlsb==1.0.10 six==1.17.0 tzdata==2024.2 xlrd==2.0.1 XlsxWriter==3.2.0 |
※ pip install pandas[excel] 명령을 실행했다.