■ 메인 크롬 브라우저 활성 탭에서 URL을 구하는 방법을 보여준다.
▶ main.py
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import win32gui import win32process import psutil from pywinauto import Application def findMainChromeBrowserWindowHandle(): chromeBrowserList = [] def enumerateWindowsCallback(windowHandle, _): if win32gui.IsWindowVisible(windowHandle) and win32gui.GetWindowText(windowHandle): _, processID = win32process.GetWindowThreadProcessId(windowHandle) try: process = psutil.Process(processID) if process.name().lower() == "chrome.exe": chromeBrowserList.append((windowHandle, process)) except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass return True win32gui.EnumWindows(enumerateWindowsCallback, None) for windowHandle, process in chromeBrowserList: if not any("--type=" in arg for arg in process.cmdline()): return windowHandle return None def getChromeBrowserAddressBarText(): try: mainChromeWindowHandle = findMainChromeBrowserWindowHandle() if mainChromeWindowHandle is None: print("No main Chrome window found.") return None application = Application(backend = "uia").connect(handle = mainChromeWindowHandle) window = application.window(handle = mainChromeWindowHandle) for className in ["OmniboxViewViews", "EditControl", "Edit"]: try: addressEdit = window.child_window(class_name = className) if addressEdit.exists(): return addressEdit.legacy_properties()["Value"] except Exception: continue print("Address bar element not found.") return None except Exception as exception: print(f"Error in getChromeBrowserAddressBarText : {str(exception)}") return None def main(): addressBarText = getChromeBrowserAddressBarText() if addressBarText: print(f"Chrome Address Bar Text : {addressBarText}") else: print("Failed to get Chrome address bar text.") if __name__ == "__main__": main() """ Chrome Address Bar Text : icodebroker.com/archives/108379 """ |
▶ requirements.txt
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comtypes==1.4.6 psutil==6.0.0 pywin32==306 pywinauto==0.6.8 six==1.16.0 |
※ pip install pywinauto pywin32 psutil 명령을 실행했다.